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Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

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Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Algae Problem

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  • #2074
    Super Tramp

    Hello everyone, I have just made a break through of immense proportions. I have use Phos Lock technology with my mechanical filtration system. I have a protein skimmer, a UV light, a PURA Phos Lock bag, and plenty of fish and critters to clean up any messes in my tank. Not to mention most all type quick fix chemical media and testing equipment. Well, I have a female Erectus that has rolled with the punches over the last couple weeks, and I am very proud of her. I thought I had heard it all from the local fish stores, everything they suggested had been accomplished. Hell, I think we even thought of a new way to get to the Moon………Compliments of my Alma mater Purdue University……lol……That is how crazy this aquarium business can get, the local guys want you to buy stuff when all avenues have not quite properly been explained and most all options have been explored, it is common to think a cure all exists. I have ad problems with people messing with my tank, people breaking into my residence, my own family a girlfriend and her family stealing everything I own, literally trying to “Bankrupt” me, all of this being supported by the locals on the Hoosier Main and Chicagoland area evidently, the “Other” options of what is wrong is torturous and very painful. I went so far as to get a security camera, and a nanny cam just to prove to myself that I am not driving myself batty!!! Anyway, this Algae just would not go away, I did everything I could think of. But, the water changes, even my phosphate tests were pretty much negative. Heck, even when they test high I havent had this problem in quite awhile. Nothing seemed to work. So, I took my tank apart because I noticed the overflow was not quite as powerful, and the pump was pretty weak. So with the flow just trickling over the media bag that must mean the pump was not at maximum output. With the UV inline with the pump, there were many paths of east resistance. I took out the UV and found out the light was out……lol……..and made a direct bead to the output. Cleaned the pump and the hoses out, and voila!!!!!! The overflow was strong, the pump was stirring everything up in the tank again, and now the protein skimmer with a new wooden air stone was working at “Max” capacity, and the flow was like the water flowing diwn from “Moana Kea” itself!!!!! Right through the media bag and back around………I already notice the change in my tank mates…….Now that I think about it the stagnation was sickening. Keep in mind, my test kit was most always good, and I recently got in a shipment of corals that were stuck in the Post Office and sent every which way according to the shipper. When I got them everything was Stanley!!!! Like a litter box used by 1000 cats at the same time!!!!!! Gross!!!!! Needless to say my stress levels and physical pain are shoot in through the roof as I am writing this still!!!! Anyway, I think I got it licked. I just want to say that sometimes it is something as simple as the flow of water in your tank to fix something as simple as Algae, or control the phosphate levels. Now, I have become quite suspicious of these New Test Kits that the LFS is trying to sell me. According to them, they can do better than most others because they can detect levels of Phosphate at .001PPM and could even detect 2 or 3 tiers less than say API for example. Which, I have to say is ridiculous and is a ridiculous standard to make a move like that. They work pretty much the same a API fir example, but some if the more experienced and seasoned men in the business have been there and done that and wonder how articulate is the business going to get???? In an area where “Snake Oil” is sold regularly, or you have a target on your back, it seems to me that in most cases “Simple”, can be your bestfriend if you know at least the basics of keeping your livestock and tank happy. The only problem I am having, is how come all of the sudden there is some miraculous cure, or what has been done for years and years where the parameters are ever so shrinking is not good enough???? How come the “Pros” who I consider experts could not figure out my problem???? And what or who is wrong with my test kit???? One time, a woman at the Local Fish Store tried to bet me 100.00 on a test it I had to do at home. She always had a complex about me being a man more than anything else. She was definitely a Sexual Harasser who actually Sexually Harrassed shamed me into crying……Bu Hao!!!! People just assume to much around here, maybe it’s just me. It would be no wonder that the owner of the store is a Chemistry professor……,lol…….I am on to something……Anyway, I filmed the test at home just for my own sanity!!!!! I won, but not before throwing out my whole reef test kit in their garbage, to buy a new one, it was not even 1 year old………So, I hope it works, it makes complete sense and “Seabiscuit” as I call her, has reinforced my belief that this particular little pony is going to do great things……..Any suggestions or comments are welcome, it have been sleep deprived for years it is late out here n the Hoosier Main………Believe it or not we got a US Navy base here that rivals those throughout the whole world, this base is so special that it is the only place where they get the lumber for the Oak used to replace that of the first Comisioned US Navy ship. It also as a Huge Army Ammo Dump……It is Army/Navy Surplus at its best…….lol…….Top Secret stuff goes on down there. I think that when the Capital of the Indiana Territory was Vincennes, and Thomas Jefferson appointed William Henry Harrison to the head of it, he built a place called “Grouseland” a mansion that was dubbed “The White House of the West”. It is still there, and only 1 of 2 University’s in America founded by President ‘s. But my point is that all of the land bought and sold here, mostly went through Vincennes. Notre Dame, Indiana University, and most of the old Forts that seen the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Zachary Taylor, Jefferson Davis, and the boys of Jefferson’s “Doctrine of Discovery” Lewis or Clark, or both came right through here when they met up with Sacajewea and spent 2 years at the mouth of the Columbia River Gorge on the Oregon/Washinton border before trekking back East. Heck, William Henry Harrison was also the Ambassador to Columbia, South America back then. Must ave been a busy man…….lol……..Well, I hope all is well with you all out there, I hope I actually get some sleep and wake up to a “New and Improved” tank……..funny how the simplest of things can make people so happy, like me……….

    Super Tramp

    Well, I seem to have staved off my algae problem. But my tests, and everything show next to no phosphates. So, unless someone has been messing with my test equipment, which has happened before, the only thing that I have changed was my filter media. I changed from Body’s Chemo Pure to PURAl and my lights are on a little longer than most aquariums. So, I ordered Chemi Pure Elite and I am sure that is the problem. I like the PHOS Lock technology, but the PURA that I was offered was not altogether PHOS Lock!!!! I mean we’re talking about bottom feeding here, I am going back to the tried and true “Top Shelf” Boyd’s……..I also have used a product called “Phytofeast” it’s not just Cat and Dog type stuff, it filled with 5 different types of phtoplankton and is more “Articulate” to as is it feeds everything in the tank and kind of “Photo Copies” everything as it grows. So essential mimics the ocean and makes your tank “Spicy”……..So when I started going through this, it was just a snowflake and my message now is so much more, I hope it will stop it dead in its tracks, It is not overgrown now, but it’s not like a rib is going to jump out of it either. To trained eye, you can see it coming, but one does not to be a genius to do the right thing, as Mufi or Lingle g as said foresight is easily a good characteristic of virtue that none can thwart……….Hope all is well out there, from the Hosier Main……..,Thanks, any ideas welcome

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