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Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

white spot

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  • #1606

    hello –

    I have a male barbouri with a strange white spot, about 1/2cm in diameter, that suddenly appeared on the side of his body 2 days ago. I have taken a picture that shows it quite clearly in hopes that you could help me positively identify it. unfortunately – and i really hate to be so stupid – but i haven\’t been able to figure out how to get it to you. some technical assistance there would be great.

    Meanwhile, some background: i bought 2 pair of barbouri about 6 months ago. One of the males died very suddenly and inexplicably about 4 months ago. no warning, signs of distress, or any problems with the remaining 3. about a week after his death, the other male had 4 consecutive batches of babies, 2-3 weeks apart. (i have three 4-month old surviving babies in a separate 1 gallon tank, thriving, but in need of a new home and refusing to eat anything that doesn\’t swim … but that\’s a problem for another post!). the last batch of babies was born a couple of months ago, and there\’s been no more seen since.

    the surviving 3 adults are in a 29 gallon oceanic biocube – built in filtration, optimal water conditions (zero nitrates/nitrites, sg. 1.024). i am not running a skimmer – cannot find one that works with this system. i have the usual hermit crabs, snails, and a growing population of small bristle worms.

    i have had a recent outbreak of aipstasia. thought they were fanworms, and it got out of control before i realized what they were. i bought a peppermint shrimp, who does not seem interested in eating the aipstasia. a week ago, i decided to treat the larger anenomes with a product called aipstasia-x. i did a small treatment, and all seemed well (including, unfortunately, some of the hardier aipstasia!), so i did a more aggressive treatment a couple of days ago, the day before the mysterious white spot occurred. i am of course suspicious of the aipstasia and/or the treatment, but neither SHOULD have caused any harm to the seahorses.

    (oh – and i\’m thinking the aipstasia could be gobbling up some of the fry, assuming he\’s having more before i see them? Barbouri have very small batches, and I\’ve never seen him have more than 12 at a time, so i could just be \’losing\’ them?)

    i have been reading about parasites, worms, and saltwater ick (this one seems possible, based on descriptions), but i haven\’t found a good picture to be sure. the seahorse is showing absolutely NO signs of distress, is eating and behaving normally. he\’s a bit reclusive, but that is his normal personality. i want to be very careful treating a seahorse that is acting healthy for a disease until i can identify it for sure. i think if you could point me to some pictures, or tell me how to get mine to you then that would be the easiest way to be sure.


    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Farmer:

    Congratulations on your success breeding your zebra-snout seahorses (Hippocampus barbouri) and raising some of the young. Well done!

    The suspicious white spot that appeared on the flank of your male barb could be most anything from a bacterial lesion or pustule to a glugeal cyst or granuloma to a bit of harmless Lymphocystis. But if it is almost one half centimeter in size, then we can rule out saltwater ick (Cryptocaryon irritans) since the white spot is much too large for a case of ick. I would need to see a picture of the suspicious spot in order to give a more accurate assessment of the situation and to recommend an appropriate treatment, so let’s address your dilemma with the photographs first.

    Here is a copy of a post from one of our members that explains how to display photographs on this forum:

    <Open quote>
    1st you have to host the photographs(s) you would like to post somewhere like photobucket or in my case AOLmyspace but you must make it small as the board will only take a small photo.

    You click on the orange Img tag in the reply window and add your address of the hosted PIC etc.. newseahorse.jpg

    Make sure to hit the close all tags tab after you are finished and then preveiew your post to see if it worked that way you can keep trying till you get it right without posting.

    An image resize tool is very helpful.

    For a larger image you could add a link with URL tab to the hosted photo. In some cases it will not work for all people but will for others it will (I never understood that) prob an AOL issue in my case!


    <close quote>

    Or you can always send the photographs to my personal e-mail address ([email protected]) if you are having trouble posting them on this forum.

    In the meantime, while I am waiting to see a picture of the white spot, I can at least provide you with some suggestions for getting your outbreak of Aiptasia rock anemones under control. Getting a peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) was a step in the right direction. They are secretive little shrimp, but once they become accustomed to the aquarium and grow a bit, they will become more bold. As you know, they ordinarily do an excellent job of eliminating small Aiptasia rock anemones and will be invaluable in helping to control the Aiptasia in the long run. But large Aiptasia anemones are often too much for the peppermint shrimp to handle, so I usually recommend a combination of biological control and lethal injections when Aiptasia anemones appear in a seahorse tank.

    The biological control can be provided by peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) or by Berghia nudibranchs, both of which are very effective in chowing down on the smaller Aiptasia. The aquarist can dispatch the larger Aiptasia rock anemones by administering the lethal injections, and the combination of the hobbyist killing off the larger specimens while the peppermint shrimp mow down the smaller ones will usually eradicate even a heavy infestation altogether in a matter of weeks.

    Aiptasia rock anemones can easily be killed by injecting them with a number of solutions — Kalkwasser, boiling water, lemon juice, a number of commercial products — and there are also products such as Joe’s Juice which you add to the aquarium water to eliminate the anemones without injecting. In cases where hobbyists have had a problem with Aiptasia rock anemones stinging their seahorses, I usually suggest using a combination of such injections and biological control to eradicate the pesky anemones.

    Joe’s Juice, in particular, has produced good results for many seahorse keepers. It is a white fluid and comes with a small syringe that you use to spray the fluid over the oral disc of the anemones when they are expanded.

    I should warn you that attacking large Aiptasia anemones with surgical tweezers and other sharp, pointed instruments will not be enough to kill them. Aiptasia anemones can reproduce by budding and by fragmentation of their pedal disc or foot. So it isn’t enough to destroy the head (oral disc) of the anemone, you must eliminate the entire foot or it will simply regrow from the pedal disc and even spread if the pedal disc was fragmented during the assault. So it’s always best to try injecting them rather than skewering them.

    Best of luck with your barbs and your Aiptasia rock anemones control program, Farmer!

    Pete Giwojna

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