Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Training Program — get certified now!

Ocean Rider Seahorse Farm and Tours | Kona Hawaii Forums Seahorse Life and Care Seahorse Training Program — get certified now!

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  • #5831
    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Megon:

    Okay, Megon, I will go ahead and send you the entire Ocean Rider Seahorse Training Course – all 10 lessons together in one file – in PDF format as an attachment to this e-mail. You can then download the attachment, save it on your computer, and read through the 10 lessons at your leisure, taking all of the time you need to go over the information and absorb the material. As you do so, it will be your job to contact me via e-mail whenever you have any questions or concerns about the material in the lessons, and I will then do my very best to answer all of your questions and clarify everything for you.

    It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner and have never kept a marine aquarium before, Megon. The seahorse training manual is geared for beginners and is designed to explain everything you need to know in order to keep seahorses successfully in a home aquarium. And, of course, I will be working with you every step of the way until you have completed the seahorse training and are well prepared for your first seahorses.

    I will also be relying on you to keep me updated on any changes or additions you make to your aquarium system so that I can keep the information in my records regarding your particular seahorse setup current and accurate at all times. That will help me to provide you with the best possible guidance and assistance as you go over the lessons.

    When you are done with all 10 of the lessons, and feel you have had a chance to thoroughly absorb the information and master the lessons, send me a brief e-mail to that effect and I will be happy to put your certification through with Ocean Rider right away.
    All we ask in return is that you stick with the highly domesticated Ocean Rider Mustangs or Sunbursts when you are ready to stock your tank, Megon. As you know, Mustangs and Sunbursts are the perfect ponies for beginners. They are hardy, highly adaptable, easy to feed, and perfectly adapted for aquarium life — the world’s only High-Health seahorses, guaranteed to be free of specific pathogens and parasites.
    Be sure to save the PDF file with the seahorse training lessons on your computer for future reference, Megon. It includes a detailed table of contents with page numbers, so that you can quickly locate the material or section you would like to go back and review at any time.

    Just remember that the lessons are for your eyes only, Megon, with the obvious exception of any immediate family members who may be helping you with the aquarium or the care of the seahorses. Please don’t share the PDF file with the complete training program or the individual lessons with any other hobbyists or individuals without first obtaining my expressed permission to do so. Thanks for your cooperation!

    Best wishes with all your fishes, Megon!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor


    Hi, my family and I recently went on the tour and loved it. I have always wanted and salt water tank but was never sure of what I wanted in it. After the tour I now know what I want in a tank. Seahorses. I would love to take the training course so I can get my tank set up.

    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Dustin:

    Okay, Dustin, I will go ahead and send you the entire Ocean Rider Seahorse Training Course – all 10 lessons together in one file – in PDF format as an attachment to this e-mail. You can then download the attachment, save it on your computer, and read through the 10 lessons at your leisure, taking all of the time you need to go over the information and absorb the material. As you do so, it will be your job to contact me via e-mail whenever you have any questions or concerns about the material in the lessons, and I will then do my very best to answer all of your questions and clarify everything for you.

    I will also be relying on you to keep me updated on any changes or additions you make to your aquarium system, when the time comes and you are ready to set up your seahorse tank, so that I can keep the information in my records regarding your particular seahorse setup current and accurate at all times. That will help me to provide you with the best possible guidance and assistance as you go over the lessons.

    When you are done with all 10 of the lessons, and feel you have had a chance to thoroughly absorb the information and master the lessons, send me a brief e-mail to that effect and I will be happy to put your certification through with Ocean Rider right away.
    All we ask in return is that you stick with the highly domesticated Ocean Rider Mustangs or Sunbursts when you are ready to stock your tank, Dustin. As you know, Mustangs and Sunbursts are the perfect ponies for beginners. They are hardy, highly adaptable, easy to feed, and perfectly adapted for aquarium life — the world’s only High-Health seahorses, guaranteed to be free of specific pathogens and parasites.
    Be sure to save the PDF file with the seahorse training lessons on your computer for future reference, Dustin. It includes a detailed table of contents with page numbers, so that you can quickly locate the material or section you would like to go back and review at any time.

    Just remember that the lessons are for your eyes only, Dustin, with the obvious exception of any immediate family members who may be helping you with the aquarium or the care of the seahorses. Please don’t share the PDF file with the complete training program or the individual lessons with any other hobbyists or individuals without first obtaining my expressed permission to do so. Thanks for your cooperation!

    Best wishes with all your fishes, Dustin!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor


    Hi Pete I too wan’t to get certified. Please sign me up. I have been reefing since 2009. I currently have a 90 gallon reef and a 55 gallon tank waiting to become home to some of your beautiful ponies. Thank you for this program.

    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Tony:

    Okay, Mr. Stanley, I will go ahead and send you the entire Ocean Rider Seahorse Training Course – all 10 lessons together in one file – in PDF format as an attachment to this e-mail. You can then download the attachment, save it on your computer, and read through the 10 lessons at your leisure, taking all of the time you need to go over the information and absorb the material. As you do so, it will be your job to contact me via e-mail whenever you have any questions or concerns about the material in the lessons, and I will then do my very best to answer all of your questions and clarify everything for you.

    The seahorse training manual will explain everything you need to know in order to set up a suitable seahorse tank for your wife, Tony, and it will explain how to care for the seahorses properly so that they will thrive under your diligent, kind changes care for years to come. I will also be relying on you to keep me updated on any changes or additions you make to your aquarium system so that I can keep the information in my records regarding your particular seahorse setup current and accurate at all times. That will help me to provide you with the best possible guidance and assistance as you go over the lessons.

    When you and your wife are done with all 10 of the lessons, and feel you have had a chance to thoroughly absorb the information and master the lessons, send me a brief e-mail to that effect and I will be happy to put your certification through with Ocean Rider right away.
    All we ask in return is that you stick with the highly domesticated Ocean Rider Mustangs or Sunbursts when you are ready to stock your tank, Tony. As you know, Mustangs and Sunbursts are the perfect ponies for beginners. They are hardy, highly adaptable, easy to feed, and perfectly adapted for aquarium life — the world’s only High-Health seahorses, guaranteed to be free of specific pathogens and parasites.
    Be sure to save the PDF file with the seahorse training lessons on your computer for future reference, Tony. The seahorse training manual is very comprehensive, consisting of several hundred pages of text with over 250 full-color illustrations. It includes a detailed table of contents with page numbers, so that you can quickly locate the material or section you would like to go back and review at any time.

    Just remember that the lessons are for your eyes only, Tony, with the obvious exception of your wife and any other immediate family members who may be helping you with the aquarium or the care of the seahorses. Please don’t share the PDF file with the complete training program or the individual lessons with any other hobbyists or individuals without first obtaining my expressed permission to do so. Thanks for your cooperation!

    Best wishes with all your fishes, Mr. Stanley!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor



    I would like to take your certification course.  I sent you an email indicating as such.  Please let me know if you did not get it.




    Pete, i sent you an email last week concerning your seahorse training (Pamela Roulson).  I plan on purchasing the deluxe special package within a month so am anxious to get started.  I have been doing a lot of research over the last four months and I’m sure I can complete your training fairly quickly.  Please let me know when I can get started.




    Hi Pete,

    This course is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’m a newbie – I’ve only ever had a terapin before and am currently in the process of getting a large enough tank for my future seahorses. Thanks a lot for starting this! Eight weeks of gradual work is a great time frame. Should I let you know after I get the tank or can we get started now itself?

    Thanks again.


    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Yannick:

    In order to earn your certification and become authorized to purchase seahorses, you must accomplish two things: first, you must have read through the seahorse training manual and completed all 10 of the lessons, and, secondly, you must have a suitable seahorse tank set up and running, completely cycled with the biological filtration fully established, ready to receive seahorses.

    I recommend reading the first lesson or two before you purchase his seahorse setup, Yannick, since the first lessons include guidelines for selecting a suitable aquarium aquascaping it to optimize it for seahorses.

    Okay, Yannick, to get you started off on the right foot, I will go ahead and send you the entire Ocean Rider Seahorse Training Course – all 10 lessons together in one file – in PDF format as an attachment to this e-mail. You can then download the attachment, save it on your computer, and read through the 10 lessons at your leisure, taking all of the time you need to go over the information and absorb the material. As you do so, it will be your job to contact me via e-mail whenever you have any questions or concerns about the material in the lessons, and I will then do my very best to answer all of your questions and clarify everything for you.

    I will also be relying on you to keep me updated on any changes or additions you make to your aquarium system so that I can keep the information in my records regarding your particular seahorse setup current and accurate at all times. That will help me to provide you with the best possible guidance and assistance as you go over the lessons.

    When you are done with all 10 of the lessons, and feel you have had a chance to thoroughly absorb the information and master the lessons, send me a brief e-mail to that effect and I will be happy to put your certification through with Ocean Rider right away.

    All we ask in return is that you stick with the highly domesticated Ocean Rider Mustangs or Sunbursts when you are ready to stock your tank, Yannick. As you know, Mustangs and Sunbursts are the perfect ponies for beginners. They are hardy, highly adaptable, easy to feed, and perfectly adapted for aquarium life — the world’s only High-Health seahorses, guaranteed to be free of specific pathogens and parasites.

    Be sure to save the PDF file with the seahorse training lessons on your computer for future reference, Yannick. It includes a detailed table of contents with page numbers, so that you can quickly locate the material or section you would like to go back and review at any time.

    Just remember that the lessons are for your eyes only, Yannick, with the obvious exception of any immediate family members who may be helping you with the aquarium or the care of the seahorses. Please don’t share the PDF file with the complete training program or the individual lessons with any other hobbyists or individuals without first obtaining my expressed permission to do so. Thanks for your cooperation!

    Best wishes with all your fishes, Yannick!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor


    Hey Pete, I am interested in starting the seahorse certification program. I currently have an empty 50 gallon tank. I have had a pair of seahorses in the past which I had for about a year. I am thinking about keeping them again but would like further information as to being more successful in this endeavor:-).

    Sincerely, Goldfish79

    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Goldfish:

    I would be very happy to sign you up for the seahorse training program and send you a copy of the free seahorse training manual, since a 50-gallon aquarium can certainly make a fine habitat for seahorses and your previous experience will also be very helpful.

    However, before we can get started, I will need to know your full name (first and last) as well as your e-mail address so that I can send you the seahorse training manual in PDF format as an attachment to an e-mail.

    In short, please get back to me with your full name and e-mail address, and I will send you a copy of the free seahorse training manual when I reply, and we can proceed from there. The training manual is very comprehensive, consisting of several hundred pages of text with over 250 full-color illustrations, and it will explain everything you need to know to keep seahorses successfully in a home aquarium.

    You can reach me at the following e-mail address anytime:

    [email protected]

    In the meantime, best wishes with all your fishes, Goldfish!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Tech Support


    Hi my name is Meredith and I have a 72 gallon bow front that has been up and running for 4 months now it has some soft coral and a purple fire fish and I would like to add some seahorses and a pair of pipe fish would love any info on helping me get ready for these wonderfull little animals  Thank you for your time   Sencerly Meredith


    Hi Pete,

    I’m interested in taking the course.

    Mary Reid







    Just sent you a email requesting the training program. Thank you in advance



    Thank you in advance Pete for your assistance in regard to the course.

    I started with seahorses like 8 months ago, with five of them, with no luck, due to the lack of knowledge and experience. It was discouraged but since there is no much knowledge and experience with seahorses, I lost the whole group. I am sure now, that a combination of bad feeding, and water spoilage. 

    So I re started again, but this time with my own practice. With 

    Microalgae          Nannochloropsis Oculata.
    Arthemia             Bichus Horribulus
    Rotífers              Brachionus Rotundiformis Small
                              Brahionus Plicatilis  Large.

    Then, I proceed getting the seahorses. I offer my seahorses arthemia, and now I will start with your  Vibrance.
    I am trying to obtain mysis, with no luck yet. But it is only a matter of time.

    I feel I need to complete the seahorse knowledge, and I hope you will fill  me in with your course.

    Thanks again.



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