Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Club
Aquarium & Livestock

Feed Ezy Frozen Mysis

Seahorse Training Program — get certified now!

Ocean Rider Seahorse Farm and Tours | Kona Hawaii Forums Seahorse Life and Care Seahorse Training Program — get certified now!

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  • #5752
    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Gary:

    Very good, sir – now that you have completed all of the lessons, I would be very happy to put your certification through with Ocean Rider, and I will do so at once!

    However, in order to receive your official training certificate, I will need to have a current e-mail address for you, since it is delivered in the form of an attachment you can download, save on your pewter, and then print out for your records.

    Please send me a brief message with your current e-mail address, and I will get your training certificate to you right away, Gary. You can always reach me at the following e-mail address:

    [email protected]

    Best wishes with all your fishes, Gary!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor


    Hi Pete,

    I currently have a pair of h. Erectus. I have a 65 gallon tank that is 36 inches wide. I have been a hobbiest for 15+ years but I think it is important to keep learning because things do change with progression. Please enroll me in your class please!

    Thanks, Alissa


    I really enjoyed the information that you sent me! I learned a wealth of important information to make sure that my seahorses are happy and healthy. I have placed on order for my first purchase from ocean riders and I am just waiting on your approval!

    Thanks again,


    Hi Pete,

    I emailed you my full name in order to procede with my certification requirements. Just wanted to make sure you got it.


    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Alissa: Yes, indeed, I received your note with all the information I need, Alissa, and your certification has been completed. You should have received your notification to that effect as well as your training certificate by now, and Carol and Craig at Ocean Rider have been informed accordingly. Best wishes with all your fishes, Alissa. Keep up the great work! Respectfully, Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor


    Would lik to take your seahorse training program. presently have 2 mustangs that I just acquired from you”ll.They are being kept in a 29 gal oceanic biocube,20″ x 20″ x 19″ that I have had up and running for 3+ years. The tank is set up with live rock and live sand as well as the bio-ball wet/dry filtration system.  I also have a 75 gal. fowler tank that I’ve had going for over 3 years as well.

    What I want to do is set up a 50 to 60 gal seahorse only tank. I want to be able to keep 3 or 4 mated pairs eventually. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Doyle Ray Bias

    Wildwood Fla.

    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Doyle:

    Very good, sir! I really like the way you are thinking ahead and planning on setting up a new 50-60 gallon dedicated seahorse tank, Doyle. The recommended stocking density for the different varieties of Mustangs and Sunbursts is one pair per 10 gallons, with a minimum tank size of 30 gallons, so the upgraded 50-60 gallon aquarium system you are planning could easily accommodate several pairs of these Hippocampus erectus seahorse types and still provide a very large margin for error.

    Okay, Doyle, I will go ahead and send you the entire Ocean Rider Seahorse Training Course – all 10 lessons together in one file – in PDF format as an attachment to this e-mail. You can then download the attachment, save it on your computer, and read through the 10 lessons at your leisure, taking all of the time you need to go over the information and absorb the material. As you do so, it will be your job to contact me via e-mail whenever you have any questions or concerns about the material in the lessons, and I will then do my very best to answer all of your questions and clarify everything for you.

    I will also be relying on you to keep me updated on any changes or additions you make to your aquarium system so that I can keep the information in my records regarding your particular seahorse setup current and accurate at all times. That will help me to provide you with the best possible guidance and assistance as you go over the lessons.

    When you are done with all 10 of the lessons, and feel you have had a chance to thoroughly absorb the information and master the lessons, send me a brief e-mail to that effect and I will be happy to put your certification through with Ocean Rider right away.

    Be sure to save the PDF file with the seahorse training lessons on your computer for future reference, Doyle. It includes a detailed table of contents with page numbers, so that you can quickly locate the material or section you would like to go back and review at any time.

    Just remember that the lessons are for your eyes only, Doyle, with the obvious exception of any immediate family members who may be helping you with the aquarium or the care of the seahorses. Please don’t share the PDF file with the complete training program or the individual lessons with any other hobbyists or individuals without first obtaining my expressed permission to do so. Thanks for your cooperation!

    Best wishes with all your fishes, Doyle!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor


    Hi Pete,

    I emailed you my full name and salt water experience to you on 4/21.   I believe I responded to all your questions necessary for the seahorse certification class. Just checking to make sure you received the e-mail.   I’m excited to start the program and would like to get started as soon as possible.


    Peter Molloy

    [email protected]


    Jodi Walker

    hi would like to get started on your lesson .  Thanking u in advance


    Hi Pete,

    I emailed you about getting started with the course and I’m looking forward to getting started!



    My wife and I would like to enroll in the Seahorse Training Program. How do we do that?



    Pete Giwojna

    Dear Jay:

    All you need to do to participate in the seahorse training program is to send me an e-mail indicating your interest, or post a message with that information, and I will go ahead and do the rest. (Judging from your e-mail address, I assume that your full name is Jay Banks, so please correct me if that assumption is mistaken.)

    I wrote the Ocean Rider seahorse training manual and I administer it on behalf of the seahorse farm, so you have come to the right place.

    Okay, Jay, I will go ahead and send you the entire Ocean Rider Seahorse Training Course – all 10 lessons together in one file – in PDF format as an attachment to this e-mail. You can then download the attachment, save it on your computer, and read through the 10 lessons at your leisure, taking all of the time you need to go over the information and absorb the material. As you do so, it will be your job to contact me via e-mail whenever you have any questions or concerns about the material in the lessons, and I will then do my very best to answer all of your questions and clarify everything for you.

    When the time comes, I will also be relying on you to keep me updated on any changes or additions you make to your aquarium system so that I can keep the information in my records regarding your particular seahorse setup current and accurate at all times. That will help me to provide you with the best possible guidance and assistance as you go over the lessons.

    When you are done with all 10 of the lessons, and feel you have had a chance to thoroughly absorb the information and master the lessons, send me a brief e-mail to that effect and I will be happy to put your certification through with Ocean Rider right away.

    Be sure to save the PDF file with the seahorse training lessons on your computer for future reference, Jay. It includes a detailed table of contents with page numbers, so that you can quickly locate the material or section you would like to go back and review at any time.

    Just remember that the lessons are for your eyes only, Jay, with the obvious exception of any immediate family members who may be helping you with the aquarium or the care of the seahorses. Please don’t share the PDF file with the complete training program or the individual lessons with any other hobbyists or individuals without first obtaining my expressed permission to do so. Thanks for your cooperation!

    Best wishes with all your fishes, Jay!

    Happy Trails!
    Pete Giwojna, Ocean Rider Training Program Advisor

    Dear Pete,
            I am very interested in the program for becoming certified for seahorses, My name is Jessica and I have been in love with seahorses since I can remember, I had many plastic toys of seahorses growing up. I also got my first freshwater aquarium at 10 years old and my aquarium obsession took off, I even did my 6th grade science fair project on reproduction of sea snails and was successful in getting them to reproduce! When I was a young teen and was in a local fish store I laid eyes on a seahorse for the first time, I was in love, spent an hour in the store watching it swim around, I knew in that moment that someday I would have my own. So in 2008 I purchased and set up my first saltwater aquarium, I bought seahorse books and videos and began designing this aquarium to house seahorses, with no internet for me back then all I had for resources was books and the fish store so I fear I was not as educated as I should have been, so unfortunately the seahorses would perish. my old set up was a 30 gallon tall, coral reef tank, all corals where non stinging. as I look back I see what some of my mistakes where, 1. filtration system was very powerful and I would see my horses struggling with the current, 2. not as many hitching posts I had a lot of rock for the corals. 3. I had way too many! 6 in a 30 gallon! water parameters always perfect but I now believe those reasons led to the short life of my seahorses, so because of that that aquarium now only has corals and aggressive fish. I recently back in august set up and old tank I had for saltwater, I then decided it to be my new seahorse tank, it is a 30 as well but is only 16in high. I plan to only house a pair. Substrate is white live sand, 8 large plastic plants to hide and hitch, and 5 bleached hard coral for hitching, a large shell with spikes for hitching to use for a feeding trough, and 6 live plants. I have a hang on refugium, protein skimmer, a covered heater and a hang on aqua clear power filter with adjustable flow for a 70 gallon, I will also be purchasing a aqua chiller in time for summer to keep temps at 74. tank inhabitants are 1 yellow clown goby, 1 dragon face pipefish, 1 Yasha Hasha  goby, 1 pistol shrimp, 1 blood red fire shrimp, 2 narssarius snails, 3 blue legged hermit crabs, and 1 tiger sand conch.
     I am ready for seahorses again but want everything to be perfect so they can live long and healthy. Thank you in advance.
                                        [email protected] 

    Hi Pete! I’m really keen to start up a tank and would love to take the seahorse training course, my email is [email protected] 





    Hello! I have been doing some research over the last month about Seahorses, and I am wanting to take the next step!  Can I please access the certification lessons?  I am a total beginner, and do not want to purchase anything until being certain of what I need.  My email address is [email protected] .  Thank you so much for any help in advance!!

    Megon Steele

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